Digital resources

Get an overview of the digital resources that users of our service most often request.

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Photo: Thomas Søndergaard

Find an overview of the digital resources that users of our service request the most. Some resources are freely available, while others require user registration or that you are present at one of Royal Danish Library's locations.

Digital resources

License-based database containing articles, reviews and journals. The material is partially full-text and is mainly limited to the subject areas of social sciences and humanities.

Remote access (requires login) or access by visiting one of Royal Danish Library's locations.

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Børsen contains news, analyses, share prices in real time and other articles from 1970 onwards of predominantly business economic relevance. There is access to articles from 1970 onwards. According to copyright law, you may only take one hard copy for your own use.

Remote access (requires login) or access by visiting one of Royal Danish Library's locations.

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License-based database containing abstracts of articles, books and reports within subject areas such as criminology, criminal law and related subjects. If you would like full-text copies, please contact us.

Remote access (requires login) or access by visiting one of Royal Danish Library's locations.

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Articles from the country's dailies, weekly newspapers, trade journals and magazines as well as news agencies, radio and TV features and web sources. You can search and retrieve articles from news media in full text from 1985 onwards. The dailies date back to approximately 1990.

Remote access (requires login) or access by visiting one of Royal Danish Library's locations.

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Subject-wise broad collection of full-text articles, reports and books.

In this database you can find full-text journals, reports and e-books from 57 different countries across 1200 publishers. JSTOR works with a "mowing wall", it means that the journals are available from the first issue to, for example, five years ago. The JSTOR database also has large thematic collections as well as a large number of archival journals, and will therefore be particularly good for subjects that are searched with a historical aspect.

The base covers a wide range, but is particularly good in relation to the subjects: Education, economics, law, history, film and language studies, music, plants, philosophy, political science, religion, security, sociology and sustainability.

Remote access (requires login) or in attendance at Royal Danish Library's locations. If you would like extracts, please contact us.

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You can order extracts from the law library's periodical collection, including EU-ret & menneskeret, Juristen, Kendelser om Fast Ejendom (KFE) Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret (NTS) og Tidsskrift for Miljø.

The online library's law books from the DJØF publishing house are not included in the license, but are available in printed version.

Access by visiting one of Royal Danish Library's locations. If you would like extracts, please contact us.

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Danish legislation with associated changes incorporated. The laws are annotated by notes with the law's history, proceedings, literature references, interpretations, principled judgments, decisions, and so forth. Karnov Jura gives access to a number of periodicals within the subject area.

Access by visiting one of Royal Danish Library's locations.

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Mandag Morgen is a news media that writes about responsible management, the transformation of the welfare society, the economy, the climate and technology and inspires leaders from all parts of society to new solutions.

Access by visiting one of Royal Danish Library's locations. If you would like extracts, please contact us.

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The NBER is a private, non-profit, non-partisan organisation that conducts economic research and disseminates research findings to academics, public policy makers and business professionals. NBER-affiliated researchers study a wide range of topics, and they use many different methods in their work. Key areas of focus include developing new statistical metrics, estimating quantitative models of economic behaviour, and analysing the effects of public policies.

Remote access (requires login) or access by visiting one of Royal Danish Library's locations.

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Contains all OECD publications (journals and books) in full text as well as statistical datasets from the OECD, International Energy Agency (IEA), Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), OECD Development Centre, PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), and International Transport Forum (ITF ) since 1998.

The base is freely accessible.

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Contains scholarly journals in many subject areas, including: Area studies, art history, biochemistry, molecular biology, ecology, classical archaeology, computer technology, economics and commerce, genetics, history, healthcare, languages, law, literature, music, medicine, philosophy , political science, psychology, sociology and statistics.

Remote access (requires login) or access by visiting one of Royal Danish Library's locations.

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Collection of e-books in all subject areas.

Most of the books have been published from 1999 onwards by mainly English and American publishers. The collection is particularly strong in economics, sociology, political science and paedagogy. The collection also includes computer technology, engineering, science, mathematics and medicine.

Remote access (requires login) or access by visiting one of Royal Danish Library's locations.

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In PubMed, you search more than 30 million references from primarily biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals and online books. The PubMed database includes the fields of biomedicine and health, as well as large parts of life sciences, behavioural sciences, chemical sciences and bioengineering. PubMed also provides access to additional relevant websites and links to molecular biology resources from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI).

Remote access (requires login) or access by visiting one of Royal Danish Library's locations.

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License-based database containing full-text access to more than 400 journals covering subjects within the arts, humanities, social sciences and scientific, technical and medical fields. Other subjects include communication and media science, economics, information science, language, linguistics and literature, management, business and organisational studies, marketing, sociology and political science as well as international relations. The database contains articles from 1999-ff.

Can be used via remote access (requires login) or by visiting one of Royal Danish Library's locations.

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Collection of peer-reviewed articles in full text, book chapters and open access content within broad subject areas.

Here you will find articles in full text from approximately 2,000 journals in all subject areas, including roughly 340 journals in business economics, social sciences and computer science.

Remote access (requires login) or access by visiting one of Royal Danish Library's locations.

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Taylor & Francis Online Journals contains full-text articles from over 500 journals in the humanities and social sciences from 1997 onwards, provided content is available that far back.

Note that full-text access is provided to journals within the humanities and social sciences. Articles without full-text access can be ordered by contacting us.

Remote access (requires login) or access by visiting one of Royal Danish Library's locations.

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Full-text periodicals in the natural sciences, medicine and technology in particular. Among the titles are also many important journals in psychology, paedagogy, economics, management and sociology.

Remote access (requires login) or access by visiting one of Royal Danish Library's locations.

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Newsletter on business, economy and society.

Access by visiting one of Royal Danish Library's locations. If you would like extracts, they can be ordered by contacting us.

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